A cutie things to download and print: next month calendar planning
Hello everybody ! :-D
Since graphic design is one of my passions and hobbies ( and I also was a graphic designer and web designer for 10 years ), I thought it would be nice to give you some little gift from time to time.
Here is a free printable July 2023 calendar to help you keep track of the days passing by and your deadlines, appointments, your family and friends birthdays, projects and more!
You see it here in a medium/little size but the original jpg size ( in pixels ) is 1634 x 1264, so you can click on the image to enlarge and then download it.
You can save it on your computer and upload it as you screen desktop or print it and keep it on your work desk or hang it on the wall.
I wish you can enjoy it and if you have some suggestion about size, please tell me.
I'm asking you only a little favore : before downloading it, please leave me a little greeting in the comments, saying your name and which country do you come from :-)
If I see that at least 5 people have downloaded the freebie, I will gladly prepare another one for the month of August and for the next few months.
Thanks for stopping by, wishing you a good day and a Happy July!!!
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Sharing, with friends from all over the world, my book reviews, graphic works and nice illustrations, thoughts and everything that makes life pleasant and comforting.
Friday, June 30, 2023
Monday, June 26, 2023
Book review : City of Silence by Kim Wright
City of Silence
by Kim Wright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
NOTE : _ I'm Italian, I hope I managed to explain everything clearly even if not in correct English _
4 stars, it means that I liked it, it caught my attention, but it's not among those I would read again in the future (as often happens with those I adore and I rate 5 stars).
1_) I liked that although there were many characters on the line ( not only the detective group but many others ) that develop their own story, it's very easy to get involved in each character's life and events.
Some of those characters are pure invention, some other are real existed characters ( such as Queen Victoria, her granddaughters Ella and Alix, the oldest Tsar's son Nicky ( future Nicholas II ), a young revolutionary that will be known as Lenin ).
All stories and character's thoughts alternate from chapter to chapter, but I repeat:
it's very easy to follow everything, indeed the writing is flowing the events are reported in an orderly manner and with a certain suspense that makes you want to know more.
I also had a lot of fun searching Pinterest for photos of the Romanovs, lots of personal photos of their family, taken by themselves, since they loved photography and had their own cameras.
This took me longer to read the book, but also shows that the subject was captivating.
2_) Of course, in addition to the mystery of a double homicide, initially cataloged as a double suicide, plus a third homicide later on, we find ourselves in a novel full of historical notions and it pleased me a lot, while I was reading the novel, to investigate the pages of Wikipedia and between newspaper articles on the true facts told in the book ( and of course discover also what wasn't at all true )
3_) The whole story takes place in St. Petersburg, when the young Alix goes to visit her sister Elizabeth (married to a Russian Grand Duke, the brother of the tzar Alexander III _ true facts) accompanied by her grandmother Queen Victoria (false).
Although there are no striking descriptions of the city in the book, you can breathe the imperial air of those times and the ferment of the revolution that was already peeping out.
1_) As I told before some facts are true and some others not. Of course, after all it's a fiction, but I find that the author perhaps exaggerated a little with author's license ( Queen Victoria in Russia ??? It never happened, she disliked them, as it also is said in the book. I just can't even imagine her
at Romanovs court, bowing to the Tsar ).
There are two or three things that in my opinion are too exaggerated inventions, one of which I don't mention because it would be a spoiler, which even remains unexplained at the end, a fact that the true story tells us didn't happen, but which in the book, concerning one of the main characters, it should be clarified and should ended differently, instead it has an epilogue contrary to the true story and that I didn't like.
2_) I liked the whole book except two chapter ( the second one and one towards the end ) in which the group of detectives discuss the old cases and the boss comes up with all his theories about how to investigate ( not THIS CASE, but in general )... HEY ! HOW BORING ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I can accept a couple of pages about that, but a WHOLE ? ( 2 whole chapters )
If it doesn't concern the case of the book I'm reading: WHO CARES ?! )
Of course all opinions are subjective.
To conclude, I can say that I liked it quite enough. I was happy to have read a mystery with a different scenario than the usual, set during a fascinating and also so profoundly unfair and therefore dangerous at the same, time historical time.
I recommend it ( even if from other reviews I saw that people preferred the first and the second one in the series ).
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by Kim Wright
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
NOTE : _ I'm Italian, I hope I managed to explain everything clearly even if not in correct English _
4 stars, it means that I liked it, it caught my attention, but it's not among those I would read again in the future (as often happens with those I adore and I rate 5 stars).
1_) I liked that although there were many characters on the line ( not only the detective group but many others ) that develop their own story, it's very easy to get involved in each character's life and events.
Some of those characters are pure invention, some other are real existed characters ( such as Queen Victoria, her granddaughters Ella and Alix, the oldest Tsar's son Nicky ( future Nicholas II ), a young revolutionary that will be known as Lenin ).
All stories and character's thoughts alternate from chapter to chapter, but I repeat:
it's very easy to follow everything, indeed the writing is flowing the events are reported in an orderly manner and with a certain suspense that makes you want to know more.
I also had a lot of fun searching Pinterest for photos of the Romanovs, lots of personal photos of their family, taken by themselves, since they loved photography and had their own cameras.
This took me longer to read the book, but also shows that the subject was captivating.
3_) The whole story takes place in St. Petersburg, when the young Alix goes to visit her sister Elizabeth (married to a Russian Grand Duke, the brother of the tzar Alexander III _ true facts) accompanied by her grandmother Queen Victoria (false).
Although there are no striking descriptions of the city in the book, you can breathe the imperial air of those times and the ferment of the revolution that was already peeping out.
1_) As I told before some facts are true and some others not. Of course, after all it's a fiction, but I find that the author perhaps exaggerated a little with author's license ( Queen Victoria in Russia ??? It never happened, she disliked them, as it also is said in the book. I just can't even imagine her
at Romanovs court, bowing to the Tsar ).
There are two or three things that in my opinion are too exaggerated inventions, one of which I don't mention because it would be a spoiler, which even remains unexplained at the end, a fact that the true story tells us didn't happen, but which in the book, concerning one of the main characters, it should be clarified and should ended differently, instead it has an epilogue contrary to the true story and that I didn't like.
2_) I liked the whole book except two chapter ( the second one and one towards the end ) in which the group of detectives discuss the old cases and the boss comes up with all his theories about how to investigate ( not THIS CASE, but in general )... HEY ! HOW BORING ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, I can accept a couple of pages about that, but a WHOLE ? ( 2 whole chapters )
If it doesn't concern the case of the book I'm reading: WHO CARES ?! )
Of course all opinions are subjective.
To conclude, I can say that I liked it quite enough. I was happy to have read a mystery with a different scenario than the usual, set during a fascinating and also so profoundly unfair and therefore dangerous at the same, time historical time.
I recommend it ( even if from other reviews I saw that people preferred the first and the second one in the series ).
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Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Book review : The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
by Mary Ann Shaffer
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
It is an epistolary novel, set immediately after the end of the war and the protagonist collects a series of testimonies regarding the occupation on Guernsey Island and the life of its inhabitants. All singular characters among which the personality of Elizabeth McKenna emerges in particular.
Elizabeth is not present as a character, but everyone talks about her, her exuberance, her vitality, her courage, her intolerance towards abuses and injustices and everything, beautiful and ugly, that derives from her way of being .
The stories of the inhabitants are very unique and it is pleasant to read them, it seemed to me to have guests for tea and to hear them tell their anecdotes, some funny, some sad ... others that disgusted me a little and I would have sincerely preferred not to have details about it (roasted pig, killed cat, scabies on the head and some other rubbish ... we know that during the war it was like that, but the author could spare those description's details that made me sick ).
The real protagonist of the book is a young author who is contacted by one of the islanders, which leads to a close correspondence between her and all of them.
The novel, as I have already said, was pleasant and I rounded it up to 4 stars because although it is all a pure invention, behind all this there are years of research and true testimonies collected in the archives, so I consider this reading an enrichment.
BUT ... there is a big "but" to me:
__________ something was missing, something that kept me tied to the book.
I read this book to the end only because "I wanted to finish reading, hoping to find something that made it shine", but actually every time I stopped reading because I had other things to do... I was not sorry and every time I had free time to go on reading it, I found myself thinking about what I could choose as my next reading, which was more engaging.
In the novel, the protagonist, a writer, after having collected many testimonies, does not know how to write a book that has a common thread and her publisher advises her to write it by revolving the story around Elizabeth.
Maybe in reality the author (not the protagonist of the book, but the real author) had the same problem, then she found a good way to report many events, but (in my opinion ) something that keeps one in suspense is missing.
Perhaps she thought she had inserted it with a love story, but actually there is no pathos regarding this nor regarding the fate of the character everyone is talking about.
When I got halfway through the book, I had the thought of abandoning it.
I've read a few reviews: some enthusiastic, some really contemptuous... Here comes my review which is halfway there.
I find the contemptuous reviews of this book really bad and disrespectful, but I don't even feel like including it among the small reading jewels of that period.
( Sorry for any English errors, it's not my mother tongue :-) )
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** ------------- **
Libro disponibile solo cartaceo con copertina flessibile QUI: Il club del libro e della torta di bucce di patata di Guernsey
di Mary Ann Shaffer
Si tratta di un romanzo epistolare, ambientato subito dopo la fine della guerra e la protagonista raccoglie una serie di testimonianze riguardanti l'occupazione dell'isola di Guernsey e la vita dei suoi abitanti. Sono tutti personaggi molto singolari, tra i quali emerge, in particolare, la personalità di Elizabeth McKenna.
Elisabeth non è presente come personaggio, ma tutti, o quasi, raccontano di lei, della sua esuberanza, della sua vitalità, del suo coraggio, della sua insofferenza verso i soprusi e le ingiustizie e di tutto ciò che, bello e brutto, ne deriva.
Le storie degli abitanti sono molto particolari ed è piacevole leggerle, mi è sembrato di avere ospiti per il tè e di sentirli raccontare i loro aneddoti, alcuni divertenti, altri tristi, altri ancora che mi hanno disgustata e sinceramente avrei preferito non avere dettagli in merito (maialino arrosto, gatto ucciso e scuoiato, scabbia sulla testa e qualche altra schifezza... sappiamo che durante la guerra era così, ma l'autrice poteva risparmiarsi questi dettagli che mi facevano venir da vomitare).
La vera protagonista del libro è una giovane autrice che viene contattata da uno degli isolani, il che porta a una fitta corrispondenza tra lei e tutti loro.
Il romanzo, come ho già detto, è stato piacevole e l'ho arrotondato a 4 stelle perché nonostante sia tutta una pura invenzione, dietro a tutto questo ci sono anni di ricerche e testimonianze vere raccolte negli archivi, quindi considero questa lettura un arricchimento.
MA ... c'è un grande "ma" per me:
__________ mancava qualcosa, qualcosa che mi teneva legata al libro.
Ho letto questo libro fino alla fine solo perché "volevo finire di leggere, sperando di trovare qualcosa che lo facesse brillare", ma in realtà ogni volta che dovevo interropmpere la lettura, perché avevo altro da fare... NONB MI TROVAVO DISPIACIUTA ( come accade con un libro che adori ) e ogni volta che avevo tempo libero per riprendere il romanzo, mi ritrovavo a pensare a cosa avrei potuto scegliere come lettura successiva, qualcosa che fosse più coinvolgente. QUESTO DICE MOLTO.CIOè : CARINO, MA NON AVVINCENTE.
Nel romanzo, la protagonista, scrittrice, dopo aver raccolto tante testimonianze, non sa come scrivere un libro che abbia un filo conduttore e il suo editore le consiglia di scriverlo facendo ruotare la storia attorno ad Elizabeth.
Forse nella realtà l'autrice ( non la protagonista del libro, ma la vera autrice ) ha avuto lo stesso problema, ha trovato un buon modo per riportare tanti eventi, ma manca quel qualcosa che tiene col fiato sospeso. Forse lei ha pensato di averlo inserito con una storia d'amore, ma in realtà non c'è pathos ne riguardo a questo ne riguardo alla sorte del personaggio di cui tutti parlano.
Quando sono arrivata a metà libro, ho avuto il pensiero di abbandonarlo.
Ho letto qualche recensione : alcune entusiastiche, altre veramente sprezzanti... Ecco ora è arrivata la mia recensione che si trova a metà strada.
Trovo veramente cattive ed irrispettose le recensioni sprezzanti su questo libro, ma non mi sento neppure di inserirlo tra i piccolo gioielli della lettura di quel periodo.
by Mary Ann Shaffer
My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
It is an epistolary novel, set immediately after the end of the war and the protagonist collects a series of testimonies regarding the occupation on Guernsey Island and the life of its inhabitants. All singular characters among which the personality of Elizabeth McKenna emerges in particular.
Elizabeth is not present as a character, but everyone talks about her, her exuberance, her vitality, her courage, her intolerance towards abuses and injustices and everything, beautiful and ugly, that derives from her way of being .
The stories of the inhabitants are very unique and it is pleasant to read them, it seemed to me to have guests for tea and to hear them tell their anecdotes, some funny, some sad ... others that disgusted me a little and I would have sincerely preferred not to have details about it (roasted pig, killed cat, scabies on the head and some other rubbish ... we know that during the war it was like that, but the author could spare those description's details that made me sick ).
The real protagonist of the book is a young author who is contacted by one of the islanders, which leads to a close correspondence between her and all of them.
The novel, as I have already said, was pleasant and I rounded it up to 4 stars because although it is all a pure invention, behind all this there are years of research and true testimonies collected in the archives, so I consider this reading an enrichment.
BUT ... there is a big "but" to me:
__________ something was missing, something that kept me tied to the book.
I read this book to the end only because "I wanted to finish reading, hoping to find something that made it shine", but actually every time I stopped reading because I had other things to do... I was not sorry and every time I had free time to go on reading it, I found myself thinking about what I could choose as my next reading, which was more engaging.
In the novel, the protagonist, a writer, after having collected many testimonies, does not know how to write a book that has a common thread and her publisher advises her to write it by revolving the story around Elizabeth.
Maybe in reality the author (not the protagonist of the book, but the real author) had the same problem, then she found a good way to report many events, but (in my opinion ) something that keeps one in suspense is missing.
Perhaps she thought she had inserted it with a love story, but actually there is no pathos regarding this nor regarding the fate of the character everyone is talking about.
When I got halfway through the book, I had the thought of abandoning it.
I've read a few reviews: some enthusiastic, some really contemptuous... Here comes my review which is halfway there.
I find the contemptuous reviews of this book really bad and disrespectful, but I don't even feel like including it among the small reading jewels of that period.
( Sorry for any English errors, it's not my mother tongue :-) )
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Libro disponibile solo cartaceo con copertina flessibile QUI: Il club del libro e della torta di bucce di patata di Guernsey
di Mary Ann Shaffer
Si tratta di un romanzo epistolare, ambientato subito dopo la fine della guerra e la protagonista raccoglie una serie di testimonianze riguardanti l'occupazione dell'isola di Guernsey e la vita dei suoi abitanti. Sono tutti personaggi molto singolari, tra i quali emerge, in particolare, la personalità di Elizabeth McKenna.
Elisabeth non è presente come personaggio, ma tutti, o quasi, raccontano di lei, della sua esuberanza, della sua vitalità, del suo coraggio, della sua insofferenza verso i soprusi e le ingiustizie e di tutto ciò che, bello e brutto, ne deriva.
Le storie degli abitanti sono molto particolari ed è piacevole leggerle, mi è sembrato di avere ospiti per il tè e di sentirli raccontare i loro aneddoti, alcuni divertenti, altri tristi, altri ancora che mi hanno disgustata e sinceramente avrei preferito non avere dettagli in merito (maialino arrosto, gatto ucciso e scuoiato, scabbia sulla testa e qualche altra schifezza... sappiamo che durante la guerra era così, ma l'autrice poteva risparmiarsi questi dettagli che mi facevano venir da vomitare).
La vera protagonista del libro è una giovane autrice che viene contattata da uno degli isolani, il che porta a una fitta corrispondenza tra lei e tutti loro.
Il romanzo, come ho già detto, è stato piacevole e l'ho arrotondato a 4 stelle perché nonostante sia tutta una pura invenzione, dietro a tutto questo ci sono anni di ricerche e testimonianze vere raccolte negli archivi, quindi considero questa lettura un arricchimento.
MA ... c'è un grande "ma" per me:
__________ mancava qualcosa, qualcosa che mi teneva legata al libro.
Ho letto questo libro fino alla fine solo perché "volevo finire di leggere, sperando di trovare qualcosa che lo facesse brillare", ma in realtà ogni volta che dovevo interropmpere la lettura, perché avevo altro da fare... NONB MI TROVAVO DISPIACIUTA ( come accade con un libro che adori ) e ogni volta che avevo tempo libero per riprendere il romanzo, mi ritrovavo a pensare a cosa avrei potuto scegliere come lettura successiva, qualcosa che fosse più coinvolgente. QUESTO DICE MOLTO.CIOè : CARINO, MA NON AVVINCENTE.
Nel romanzo, la protagonista, scrittrice, dopo aver raccolto tante testimonianze, non sa come scrivere un libro che abbia un filo conduttore e il suo editore le consiglia di scriverlo facendo ruotare la storia attorno ad Elizabeth.
Forse nella realtà l'autrice ( non la protagonista del libro, ma la vera autrice ) ha avuto lo stesso problema, ha trovato un buon modo per riportare tanti eventi, ma manca quel qualcosa che tiene col fiato sospeso. Forse lei ha pensato di averlo inserito con una storia d'amore, ma in realtà non c'è pathos ne riguardo a questo ne riguardo alla sorte del personaggio di cui tutti parlano.
Quando sono arrivata a metà libro, ho avuto il pensiero di abbandonarlo.
Ho letto qualche recensione : alcune entusiastiche, altre veramente sprezzanti... Ecco ora è arrivata la mia recensione che si trova a metà strada.
Trovo veramente cattive ed irrispettose le recensioni sprezzanti su questo libro, ma non mi sento neppure di inserirlo tra i piccolo gioielli della lettura di quel periodo.
Saturday, June 03, 2023
Book review : The Musician's Daughter by Susanne Dunlap
The Musician's Daughter
by Susanne Dunlap
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is a very difficult review to do !!
--- (warning: English is not my native language, you might find form and grammar errors)---
I gave a 3 star rating, but it could have been 4 stars, but until halfway through the book ( and also a little bit after halfway ) I was convinced that I would have given 2 stars and no more!
I really struggled to go on reading this novel !!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do I begin to explain all these mixed feelings to you?
1) The plot is solid, really captivating, perhaps one of the most original plots that have happened to me in recent years and that captivated me as soon as I read the back cover.
___THE PLOT__ The story takes place in 18th century imperial Vienna.
The protagonist is a young musician, whose life is suddenly turned upside down by the murder of her father, also a musician at the orchestra at Prince Nicholas Esterhazy’s court, his valuable violin missing, and the only clue to his death a strange gold pendant around his neck.
The body, found in a Hungarian gypsy camp, is brought back home by musician friends of the father, all part of the orchestra of Haydn, the famous Austrian composer ... everything is very weird and Theresa wants to find out the truth and she begins to uncover a trail of secrets,blackmail and extortion...
---> how you can see, all looks like an engrossing tale set against a charming period background and enriched with music and light romance.
I liked the story, but unfortunately the author told it flatly and without emphasis, at least for the first half of the book, or maybe for almost three quarters of the book!
For the first 8/10 chapters, there were practically no dialogues, only a dozen very short sentences.
Example :
1st sentence : Open up!
2nd one: what happens?
3rd one: I don't know !
...hey ...8 (or maybe 10) chapters where the characters uttered only short sentences like that, scattered among what seemed like a daily newspaper report, really makes one want to throw the book out the window.
Luckily I was reading an ebook that I got for free from a friend!
I considered abandoning the book, but the plot promised well and I hoped it would improve, so I forced myself to keep going on with the reading.
But as I said IT WAS SO BORING ! Eventually halfway through the book twists and turns began, some clues appeared and dialogues were finally more interesting (even if, unfortunately, never passionate and full of pathos as it should be in a compelling novel).
By now I had entered the story and so managed to get to the end to see the mystery solved, the villain punished and good people save.
The writing is very simple, indeed I never needed to consult the English-Italian vocabulary ( the book was not available in my native language... I know my English is not so good, then please, forgive any error you find in my review ).
This reading is recommended for 12 years old and up, but since it talks about pedophilia and it describes gruesome death sentences... I'd say it's better from 15 years old and up.
I don't understand why some readers expected something more in-depth about the composer Haydn: it's an adventure-mystery-fiction novel (and not a biography of a famous musician) with just a hint of romanticism (I wasn't looking for that, so it turned out fine, but if you want to read about love, then you have to read a different book ).
Summary : if the setting fascinates you and if you are patient enough to face a flat "newspaper" style reading (at least for half of the book), and you are not interested in love stories, THEN READ IT!
... otherwise forget it.
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by Susanne Dunlap
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
This is a very difficult review to do !!
--- (warning: English is not my native language, you might find form and grammar errors)---
I gave a 3 star rating, but it could have been 4 stars, but until halfway through the book ( and also a little bit after halfway ) I was convinced that I would have given 2 stars and no more!
I really struggled to go on reading this novel !!!!!!!!!!!!
Where do I begin to explain all these mixed feelings to you?
1) The plot is solid, really captivating, perhaps one of the most original plots that have happened to me in recent years and that captivated me as soon as I read the back cover.
___THE PLOT__ The story takes place in 18th century imperial Vienna.
The protagonist is a young musician, whose life is suddenly turned upside down by the murder of her father, also a musician at the orchestra at Prince Nicholas Esterhazy’s court, his valuable violin missing, and the only clue to his death a strange gold pendant around his neck.
The body, found in a Hungarian gypsy camp, is brought back home by musician friends of the father, all part of the orchestra of Haydn, the famous Austrian composer ... everything is very weird and Theresa wants to find out the truth and she begins to uncover a trail of secrets,blackmail and extortion...
---> how you can see, all looks like an engrossing tale set against a charming period background and enriched with music and light romance.
I liked the story, but unfortunately the author told it flatly and without emphasis, at least for the first half of the book, or maybe for almost three quarters of the book!
For the first 8/10 chapters, there were practically no dialogues, only a dozen very short sentences.
Example :
1st sentence : Open up!
2nd one: what happens?
3rd one: I don't know !
...hey ...8 (or maybe 10) chapters where the characters uttered only short sentences like that, scattered among what seemed like a daily newspaper report, really makes one want to throw the book out the window.
Luckily I was reading an ebook that I got for free from a friend!
I considered abandoning the book, but the plot promised well and I hoped it would improve, so I forced myself to keep going on with the reading.
But as I said IT WAS SO BORING ! Eventually halfway through the book twists and turns began, some clues appeared and dialogues were finally more interesting (even if, unfortunately, never passionate and full of pathos as it should be in a compelling novel).
By now I had entered the story and so managed to get to the end to see the mystery solved, the villain punished and good people save.
The writing is very simple, indeed I never needed to consult the English-Italian vocabulary ( the book was not available in my native language... I know my English is not so good, then please, forgive any error you find in my review ).
This reading is recommended for 12 years old and up, but since it talks about pedophilia and it describes gruesome death sentences... I'd say it's better from 15 years old and up.
I don't understand why some readers expected something more in-depth about the composer Haydn: it's an adventure-mystery-fiction novel (and not a biography of a famous musician) with just a hint of romanticism (I wasn't looking for that, so it turned out fine, but if you want to read about love, then you have to read a different book ).
Summary : if the setting fascinates you and if you are patient enough to face a flat "newspaper" style reading (at least for half of the book), and you are not interested in love stories, THEN READ IT!
... otherwise forget it.
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