Sunday, August 18, 2024

Book review : A Gentleman Fallen on Hard Times by Grace Burrowes

A Gentleman Fallen on Hard Times
The Lord Julian Mysteries book #1
by Grace Burrowes

My rating: ★★★★☆
Actually it must to be read as 4.5
I liked it very much !

This has been an enjoyable read, not exactly a mystery as indicated in the tags, not in the murder-to-investigate sense at least, but I really enjoyed the main character's personal story.

The events of the present story and the events of our protagonist's past, both during the war against Napoleon and before the war, are narrated in the first person by the character himself and this is perhaps the thing that created a certain empathy in me, making me fond of to him.

____ THE PLOT ___ Regency era, 
Lord Julian Caldicott has come home from the war in ragged health. He, an English Army reconnaissance officer, Lord Julian Caldicott has come home from the war in ragged health. He, an English Army scout, was captured and tortured by the French, who then massacred hundreds of English soldiers in battle.
Considered a traitor by many people, although exonerated by the army, he desires nothing more than solitude and quiet.
Luckily his affectionate godmother sees the only healing solution as that of reacting, being among people and starting to live again.
Despite Julian's reluctance, he accompanies her to a party where he will find many enemies, but also new allies and the girl who was supposed to marry him, whose heart is still full of affection for Lord Julian.
Among many hostile attitudes, inexplicable events and thefts occur.
Julian, provoked to the extreme, will do anything to solve the puzzle and will find a new drive to appreciate life again.

I think the cover of this book, while delightful, doesn't do it enough justice.
From the cover (as well as from the tags) we are led to think that it is just one of the numerous cozy mystery series set in the past, with some bizarre characters, a puzzle to solve and a tepid love story that takes place in parallel and which, as in all cozies, it will develop very slowly and in a barely noticeable way.
There's much more here!


The plot is light, but at the same time touching, deeper and more important than what one would imagine by taking a quick look at the back cover.
In fact, in the midst of a light and cheerful plot, in which there is no shortage of ironic jokes and witty dialogues that make the reader smile, 3 important and always current themes are also addressed:

1) _  the TRAUMAS that afflict WAR VETERANS from all over the world and from all times, i.e. the pain (not only physical but also emotional) and discomfort in society experienced by many men after experiencing the horrors of battle and seeing death and destruction in its most unspeakable forms.

--------------> As Julian tells us about his present, in which he struggles to return to the superficial and flirtatious life of the peacetime aristocracy, he also tells us about his ghosts.
He tells us about the horror of the battles with the acrid smell of gunpowder that burns the throat and eyes, of the aftermath of the battle with the wounded asking for water, the flies buzzing around the lifeless bodies, of the pain for the loss of friends and especially of beloved brother.
He tells us about his imprisonment and the psychological torture that made him return home in a catatonic state.

Despite the sadness of the past, we can observe Julian's first steps towards a new beginning and it is precisely this part that manages to keep the reader glued to the text.
I rejoiced in his every improvement and couldn't wait for his redemption to arrive compared to those who labeled him as a traitor and liar.

The author managed to move me while remaining within the confines of the light novel and while through Julian's words she summarized the pain and bitterness of war, she also managed to add a touch of adventure.

In fact, Julian tells us about his role in battle: being a reconnaissance officer, how he scouted ahead, how he infiltrated enemy areas with the most varied disguises and how he traced the enemy's plans by studying clues and traces of all kinds.
In fact, Julian has not stopped being a reconnaissance officer, even now that the war is over he uses his skills to reveal the subtle deception of one of the characters and bring the truth to light.

2) _  DISCONFORT due to a CLINICAL PATHOLOGY which at times is disabling for those who suffer from it.

----------> We will discover over the course of the plot that Julian has more than one demon to fight: the physical consequences of imprisonment, the psychological trauma but also another pathology (I won't reveal what because otherwise it would be a spoiler) of which the author knows very well the symptoms and the resulting discomforts, because her father himself suffered from them.
In this context, it is also highlighted how important the support of those who love us is and how sometimes in addition to "the damage" of the disease, human beings are also forced to face "the mockery" of a society too full of prejudices and immediately ready to condemn and marginalize suffering people .

3) _ FAMILY TIES and the feelings that govern them, such as: love, respect, fear of disappointing, trust, sense of responsibility, complicity, childhood memories etc...

------------------> Julian has brothers and sisters and of course parents.
Usually the plots always include a bad or absent father or a frivolous and selfish mother or a certain antagonism with some stepbrother...
In this book I was struck by how strong the bond Julian has with his brothers ( a dead one and the elder still alive ), even though they are so different from each other.
 Also the affection for his parents and for his godmother and his former betrothed is always present in our protagonist's speeches.
Childhood memories are cheerful and full of sweetness.
I really liked seeing that this family ( and its servants staff ) creates a united front and that despite the emotional wounds and the fear of having sullied the honor of his family, Julian instead discovers that he has great emotional support among his loved ones.

On the one hand the book begins with an apparently defeated young man  who tells us about his traumas and who would only like to be left alone in the dark, on the other hand we also see a real soldier who does not back down from a challenge.
Julian is suffering deeply, both physically and emotionally, yet he agrees to escort his godmother, complying with her requests, because his honor and kindness and affection for her come before his own needs.
Actually, helping someone else and protecting a person for whom he feels a deep affection will be the spark that will restart the engine to get back to life.
Step by step, chapter after chapter Julian challenges his own weaknesses and starts enjoying every little thing again.
The more society kicks him and orders him to leave, the more Julian will rediscover his fighting spirit, attract new allies and finally return to being proud of himself.

---> I love this character and his company was wonderful throughout the book.
I also liked the side characters and I think the author did a good job in describing their character traits through dialogues, small gestures and facial expressions.
Some of them, we can imagine from the plot, will also be present in the next books.

As I already said it's not a murder and it's not even something extremely elaborate so mystery lovers should choose this book.
It seems more like an excuse to add a pinch of curiosity to the plot on the part of the reader, while telling the personal story of Lord Julian (past and current with some anticipation for the future).
However, I didn't mind it and although the culprit was predictable, it was so predictable that every time Julian questioned someone I found myself making new and different suppositions... the author was still good at creating many diversions and also managed to insert, in the solution of the mystery, a surprise element that I wasn't expecting.

Yes it is, however unlike the usual "cozies" it contains some speeches with words not exactly suitable for gentlemen and ladies of good society and you will also find a funny dirty song that the soldiers usually sang.
I really liked this "a little more cheeky" but never vulgar element and it often made me laugh. The author was able to elaborate this aspect with great grace, well done!

Of course yes, in fact, I confess that I have already read book #2, I liked it and you will soon have my review.

Thank you for reading my opinion and if my English is not exactly correct it's because it's not my language, so please forgive me :-)

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