Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book review : A Cold Highland Wind by Tasha Alexander

A Cold Highland Wind
Lady Emily Mysteries book 17
by Tasha Alexander

GENRE : #historical-cozy-mystery

My rating: ★★★★☆
Actually 3,8 stars rounded up to 4.

An old castle in Scotland, an ancient Celtic festival and a murder!
In parallel, a story dating back 200 years earlier, when people were afraid of witches and every woman was at risk of being accused of witchcraft!

Since the month of October is the month of Halloween and I'm too weak to read anything horror, this seemed like the right read to get into the right spirit, while remaining in my comfort zone.

___PLOT___ Lady Emily, her husband Colin Hargreaves and their three children are on holiday at Cairnfarn Castle in Scotland, guests of Jeremy, Duke of Bainbridge, Emily's dear childhood friend.The atmosphere is cheerful and lively, also thanks to a folklore event of Celtic origin that is being celebrated. Music, dancing, rum punch...everything is going well until Jeremy's gamekeeper is found dead and horribly disfigured.

In the same village approximately 200 years earlier, ancient rituals, phrases that could seem like magic formulas and people foreign to the village were not welcome and the risk of being accused of witchcraft was around every corner or rather behind every slothful and manipulative person.


Reading a book in this series every now and then is like meeting up with a couple of my old friends.
I like them both either considered separately or as a couple.

COLIN: handsome and charming, intelligent and always loving and with great consideration for his wife, but also always responsible, thoughtful and realistic.

EMILY: always loving and admired towards her husband, but also independent in her choices and stubborn in pursuing her goals, beautiful and sweet with her husband, but sometimes a little too reckless and not inclined to follow his judicious advice.

Parents of 2 biological children and one of their wards, always careful in raising them, leaving them free to follow their passions but not without a certain discipline. Despite having been married for a decade, this couple does not lack romance and sentimental outpourings.

I love the fact that although the series is titled Lady Emily, in reality, the investigation is the work of both of them and there is great chemistry between them.

In the first books of the series, they acted separately and Lady Emily was always in the foreground and her husband was more of a secondary character, as time passed and the series grew, I can say that both are protagonists and I like this a lot.


Bainbridge's two quirky aunts add a humorous touch to the story.
They are two spinster sisters, very old but with a lively brain and an adventurous spirit, they know everything about everyone and don't mince their words.

Jeremy is a loving nephew, a loyal friend and a duke who, despite self-deprecatingly calling himself useless, actually cares for the people of the village and does his duty with great sensitivity.

I like all these characters because together with Emily and Colin's 3 children, they help create a "cozy" atmosphere and bring more than a smile to the reader's face.

I haven't read all the books in the Lady Emily series, but I've read 11 of them including this one and I have to say that unlike the others, the setting here is barely intuitive.

There are usually detailed descriptions of both the location where the story takes place and historically important buildings and monuments, as well as the atmosphere.
Here, apart from the wind from the moors, you can't really breathe the air of the Highlands and the small Scottish village... nothing evocative or suggestive in my opinion and  this is one of the two things that lowered my rating for the book .


----> In 1905 : Halfway through the book I thought I was so clever and had guessed the truth, but it wasn't like that and above all the culprit was really really unexpected!!I had a lot of fun making conjectures and hypotheses and until the end I was on tenterhooks, I couldn't wait to find out who the murderer was and several times I was tempted to go and peek at the back of the book, but I resisted!

Well done Tasha Alexander, the solution to the mystery was truly something I never expected.
A little more disappointing and hasty was the solution to a parallel mystery, also in 1905, connected to the murder.

----> In 1676: Up to 70% of the book, the protagonist of the story, set in the 18th century, kept me in suspense: her first-person narrative is full of suspense, the characters around her are ambiguous in their speeches, mysterious in their arguments and I really feared that the story would end in a dramatic way.

So the writer achieved her aim here too (to create an atmosphere of uncertainty, anxiety and deep emotion... but then without revealing the details everything was resolved in a way that was perhaps a little too easy, I don't know how to explain... .
I was expecting something more impressive and  this is the second thing that lowered my rating for the book.
Anyway, I was happy with the happy ending for the characters in this story.

Unlike the other books I read in the series, here there are no historical notions or real-life historical characters except for the fact that the character of the mystery set in 1676 is inspired by two real-life black women, about whom the writer talks to us briefly in his notes at the end of the book.

Another historical reference is the witch hunt and the witch hunters who, in order to prove the fake, invented and falsified the evidence, you will also find a brief mention of this in the author's notes.

This is one of the few series that I usually read in no particular order, each book in the series can be read as a standalone, but if you read them starting from the first one you will be able to enjoy better Emily's personal story (her engagement , marriage, children and all the recurring characters who contribute to creating a cheerful and pleasant atmosphere).

Thanks for reading my opinion and as always I ask you to be lenient with my English since it's not my native language.

If you want to know more about OTHER BOOKS IN THE SERIES, you can read some reviews here :

BOOK #2 : A Poisoned Season

BOOK #3 : A Fatal Waltz by Tasha Alexander

BOOK #4: Tears of Pearl

BOOK #5: Dangerous to Know

BOOK #13.5 : Upon the Midnight Clear ( Christmas novella )

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Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Book review : Once Upon A Wallflower by Wendy Lyn Watson

Once Upon A Wallflower
by Wendy Lyn Watson

GENRE : #regency-gothic-romance

My rating: ★★★★★

5 full stars well deserved!!

If you like love stories set in the Regency era with an undercurrent of suspense and mystery, then this book is a suitable read for you.

__ THE PLOT __ London.
Mirabelle Fitzhenry was betrothed, by her uncle, her guardian, to Nicholas, Viscount Ashfield, not a lover of society, considered by all to be strange, dark and believed responsible for the death of 3 young women.

So why did "Mira"'s uncle (as she is called by everyone) do this? Simply to honor a gambling debt and by making Nicholas' father, the famous libertine Lord Blackwell, believe that the bride was his beautiful daughter, also named Mirabelle Fitzhenry, but called "Belle" by everyone.

Mira is not too worried because she thinks that as soon as the viscount and her father realize that it is the wrong Mirabelle, they will back off and not accept the marriage. In fact, Mira has never had a season, she is not fashionable, she is not devoid of curves as the current fashion requires and she has red hair.

Nicholas Ashfield is not interested in getting married to a blond goose with ribbons (this is the Mirabelle he believes he should marry) and thinks that she will back down because she is scared of his height, grandeur and above all of the chatter that considers him a killer.

Actually, when Nicholas and Mira meet for the first time, they immediately like each other not only physically, but also because they spend a little time together, complicity is created and both decide to wait to let the other escape.
But there are unsolved murders that complicate the situation and Mira decides to find out who the real culprit is.

For his part, Nicholas is attracted to Mira, a spontaneous courtship ensues with sweet and passionate kisses, he wishes to marry her, but remains ambiguous regarding the murders and the possibility of investigating... He is truly innocent as Mira's instincts initially tell her ? Should she follow her heart or logic?

As things become more complicated and dangerous, the truth becomes confused with the killer's cunning machinations and the passionate love that is being born between Nicholas and Mira risks being destroyed before it can blossom openly in the sunlight.

The story is well written, the part is narrated in the third person and the dialogues change in a pleasant way and the reading is always smooth.
I never encountered a dull moment, and while I longed to find out more about the mystery I enjoyed the moments of sensual romance with which Nicholas slowly won Mira's heart.

___ ROMANCE & MYSTERY ___ Both elements are well developed by the author and I felt engaged by the story from start to end.
The sexual tension and the longing that Nicholas and Mira feel for one another is palpable, just as the suspense and hypotheses about who the real culprit could be will make you turn the pages faster and faster.

THE TWO MAIN CHARACTERS are both, even if for different reasons, outcasts from aristocratic society, but this is not the only thing they have in common, they find in each other sensitivity of soul, spontaneity and a tenderness that until then had been missed to them.
They also like each other physically and the chemistry is perfect, despite the odds to the contrary, they are made for each other.

Barely touched kisses, passionate kisses, languid caresses, intense looks, whispered words and a long making-love scene (but clean and without anything vulgar) are expertly distributed throughout the course of the story and in my opinion this makes reading more enjoyable for those who want to read a love story.

INVESTIGATION _ Basically the story is a romance and Mira is not an investigator, so her questions and research are not those of an amateur detective that we usually find in "whodunits", but there are still many clues, phrases, attitudes and sudden discoveries that they will divert your hypotheses.
When you'll understand who the culprit is, you will probably be 70% of the way through the book (even if my suspicions had already begun before), however the author is good at making you doubt your hypotheses so much so that at a certain point, perhaps for a short while, for a very brief moment, you will wonder if Nicholas is really innocent (he is the protagonist and therefore we readers already know that he is innocent, but how often do unexpected twists happen in films???)
But don't panic, happy ending guaranteed.

I already miss this couple that I liked so much, it's really a shame that the author hasn't written other historical-suspense-romances, I like her style !

Thank you for reading my opinion and sorry for any English error in my text, it is not my native language.

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Friday, October 04, 2024

Book review : The Turncoat's Widow by Mally Becker

The Turncoat's Widow
Revolutionary War Mysteries #1
by Mally Becker

GENRE : #historical-cozy-mystery

My rating: ★★★★☆
Actually 3,5 rounded up to 4 of 5 stars is my real rating

I chose this book because I like spy stories, I love historical fiction and if there is also a touch of romance, then it is the perfect mix for me.

Unfortunately it took me the entire first half of the book to get into the story, there were no twists and the characters weren't developed enough to win me over.
-----> What saved the book's rating was the second half where action and twists finally engaged me
and made me turn the pages with more interest than the first part.

___ THE PLOT ___ Set during the darkest days of the American Revolution.
1780. It's been a year since Daniel Alloway escaped from the British prison ship in New York City harbor.
Now he needs money and remembers that another prisoner confessed to him that he had left an important list of spies' names to his wife Rebecca Parcell who lives in Morristown, New Jersey. By selling the list to General Washinton it is possible to get a nice reward.

Unfortunately Rebecca knows nothing about it and is branded by the village minister as a traitor and accused of having handed her husband over to the British.

Despite being two strangers, Daniel and Rebecca find themselves entangled together in a dangerous mission imposed on them by General Washington, to find the precious list, otherwise they will both be left completely broke and without a future.


__HISTORICAL CONTEXT AND CHARACTERS WHO REALLY LIVED __ as I have already said, we are in the years of the American Revolution in which the British colonies in America want to become independent from the empire.
The war has lasted longer than expected, food is scarce and people are at the end of their strength and endurance.
There are no great historical notions in the book and not even historical notes from the author, but it was fun to see two great characters actively participate in the story: General Washington and his right-hand man Alexander Hamilton.
A few final jokes are also reserved for Washington's wife.

One thing I particularly liked was that the author highlighted how in the revolution (in this one and all revolutions and wars), although they fought for freedom, in truth both sides were oppressors:
--> The British would have taken everything from those who were not loyal and even Washington had no qualms about taking away lands and possessions from those who did business with the British or worse collaborated with them.
Every revolution, even if moved by a just ideal, then imposed the same arrogance of the previous oppressor in order to achieve its goal, therefore also using an iron fist and blackmail (for example like the French revolution and also the Russian one...).

___ SPY AND MYSTERY ___ perhaps the first part served more to introduce events and characters, I understand this, but for me it was too boring, while finally from 50% onwards the action moments and the plot between the suspects and the suspenseful scenes finally made me enjoy the story.
One of the culprits is quite predictable, but there are 3 others that I really never would have imagined!

___ CHARACTERS AND ROMANCE ___ in my opinion the author could have done a better job in developing the two main characters and should have dedicated a little more time to their interaction and the romantic story.
Otherwise she could have avoided the romantic hint altogether, to me it was the worst part of the book.

The impression I had was that a romantic part was not foreseen and that halfway through the book the author decided to add attraction and a future love story between the two characters.
While reading it seemed to me that the author had inserted, here and there and only at a later time, sentences that were supposed to foreshadow a love interest between Daniel and Rebecca, but these sentences were totally disconnected from the rest of the plot and did not evoke any emotion in me.

I use read several clean romances and even the description of a touch of a hand or a sweet thought from the other person can evoke butterflies in the stomach and give goosebumps if well described, but this was not the case.

After 50% of the book, the romance seemed to improve, it was described more believably, but then it was neglected again.
The reader has his "happy ending" but nothing really satisfying from a romantic point of view, just the premise of another spy adventure in book #2 of the series and the premise of other romantic attempts.

This is this author's debut book and so perhaps she can be forgiven, hoping that the following books will be developed satisfactorily.

WOULD I RECOMMEND IT? I don't know...maybe only to someone used to read cozy mysteries where neither the mysteries nor the love stories are explored in detail.

WILL I GET THE NEXT BOOKS IN THE SERIES? I would like it, but I confess that I am undecided, I don't want to be disappointed again or waste precious time since I have so many books on my list.

THANKS for reading my opinion and please forgive my English, it's not my native language.

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Book review : A Cold Highland Wind by Tasha Alexander

A Cold Highland Wind Lady Emily Mysteries book 17 by Tasha Alexander GENRE : #historical-cozy-mystery My rating:...