Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Book review : The Marigold Chain by Stella Riley

The Marigold Chain by Stella Riley

My rating: ★★★★☆
Actually 3.5 rounded to 4 stars as historical fiction.
Only 3 stars ( or 2.5 rounded to 3 ) as romance.

__THE PLOT__ England 1666.
-->Chloe is a girl of about 20 who lives with her stepbrother, an aristocrat who spends all his money on gambling, alcohol and women.
One evening, having run out of money, he gambles his stepsister: if he loses, she will become the property of his opponent.
-->Alex, 30, was a Royalist soldier in the English Civil War.
He is very handsome and always ready with a joke and has friends who really care of him, but he has a bad temper and a disappointment in love leads him to alcohol and senseless actions.
--> One morning Alex wakes up after an incredible hangover and discovers that he is married to an innocent 20-year-old girl, Chloe.
They immediately decide to proceed with the request for annulment, meanwhile England goes to war with Holland...

The book is divided into 3 parts, of which I really liked the first part, cheerful and lively, it made imagine a romance full of funny scenes.

The second part, the central and broader one, was to me very disappointing.
Any romance there, no connection between Alex and Chloe, the 2 main characters of the story.
They are married but he continues his life as if she didn't exist and she goes about her life thinking about him from time to time.
When the author finally gives us a beautiful escape scene together, with a bit of action, a kiss happens.
It's half way through the book and it's easy to think that a little chills and emotion will finally arrive...Instead: nothing romantic again, at least until the 3rd phase (which begins more or less 75% of the way through the novel).
The historical part is well developed but didn't involve me.
There is a betrayal situation that the protagonists are supposed to discover, but I didn't find it so intriguing.

___THE HERO ___ So handsome, but an ass !
I only fell in love with the male protagonist at the end, in the last 25% of the book while in the entire previous 75% I couldn't stand him!
He was beautiful and charming in his laughter and ironic jokes, but very irascible and deeply selfish because he only thought about his disappointments and dissatisfaction and vented his bad mood in the bottle and on his friends, while they, his friends, always tried to get him out of trouble and acted always very careful to avoid to provoke him, so as not to make him angry.
...Of course we stupid women always love those wild and dangerous (and this makes me angry!) while the sensitive and polite men are trampled upon (but usually those ones are ugly... instead here in the fiction the good, sensitive man in love was also a beautiful one...but unfortunately the scoundrel always wins)

My dislike for this character, who should have been the hero of the story, not only didn't allow me to enjoy reading the book, but it ultimately left me with a sense of hunger for something that only began at the end of the book.
Yes, the real romance only started at the end of the book... and so I feel dissatisfied.
In the third part the character suddenly loses his bad ways and like a true hero works for the good of the city that is going up in flames.
We are in the middle of the second major fire in London (September 1666) and this time all the scenes described by the author fully involved me, making me feel as if I was really on the scene, there in that city, in that historical moment.
In the third part Alex feelings for Chloe change too...few chapters..the happy ending..but I feel dissatisfied..I want more!... but unfortunately I was at the END OF THE NOVEL!
I don't know if I explained myself well: imagine eating a cake and you feel that it's not as good as you would like, finally you start to like the last slice... but it's the last slice and you're left with that unsatisfied craving which is irritating!

_ CONCLUDING __ I've only read one other novel by Stella Riley ( A Splendid Defiance) and I was thrilled with it .
It doesn't matter if the love story burns slowly, that's fine too, but in this novel the hero was difficult to love from the beginning and above all there was too little of the two main characters together.
It would have been nice to have more emotions throughout the story: more intense looks, a shiver on the skin during a casual touch... more interest on Alex's part towards Chloe, not just at the end, instead the whole love story was flat and one-way for too long.

Even though it wasn't what I expected, this doesn't discourage me and I will definitely read more of Stella Riley's novels, because I think she's really good and I appreciate her writing style.
My review shouldn't discourage you either, because I gave my opinion based on my personal taste.
Remember though: very slow-burn romance and pages dedicated to history, therefore not suitable for those looking for hot scenes and only frivolous novels.

NOTE: I'm from Italy and so English is not my native language. Please, forgive any errors you may find in my text.

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