Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Book review : A Dangerous Past by Clare Jayne

A Dangerous Past
Campbell & MacPherson Historical Mysteries #3
by Clare Jayne

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Book by book the series is getting more interesting and this time I'm happy to give this mystery 4 stars !
It was finally an involving reading both referring to the mystery and the private life of our hero and heroine.

___ THE PLOT ___ We are in Edinburgh at the end of the 18th century and this time, despite the intention of no longer dealing with investigations, Ishbel is called to investigate a murder by her dear and affectionate maid.
What will Ewan do? Will they be able to overcome their disagreements and solve a new case despite the ill will expressed by the aristocracy towards them?
To complicate matters, Ewan's sister arrives in town, determined to end her brother's relationship with Ishbel.

:-( ---> This time too, to my regret, there were no historical figures who actually existed (unlike the first book in the series) and no real events were mentioned. A shame, because in my opinion this makes reading books with a historical setting more interesting and with added value.

:-) ---> __THE MYSTERY__ In any case, I enjoyed reading it, because the mystery was more complicated than in the first two books and although at a certain point I formulated the right hypothesis about the culprit, the author was good at misleading the reader's hypotheses.
Finally, in the second-last chapter, I clearly understood who the killer was even before reading the revealing lines, but this did not diminish my pleasure in reading the book and I never found a point where I was bored, on the contrary I wanted to turn the page, because in addition to the culprit and how the murder was committed, the personal history of the characters is also interesting.

:-) --->__THE CHARACTERS__ in addition to the characters already known, we meet new members of Ewan's family, thus expanding the list of recurring characters.

:-) ---> The love story between the two protagonists and their relationships with friends and family become more and more interesting: sometimes complicated, sometimes indispensable even for the inner growth of the character himself.
Book after book the author enters more and more into the private life of each of them, weaving bonds and plots that capture our interest.

__ANOTHER POSITIVE POINT__ unlike book 2 this book does not end with a cliffhanger, but has a fully satisfying ending.

__ READ THE BOOKS OF THE SERIES IN ORDER from the first to the sixth __ Each book in the series is quite short (readable in a couple of days) and the 2nd and 3rd could have been a single book even if with 2 different mysteries to solve.
I continue to recommend reading the 6 books of the series in order from 1 to 6, since part of the entertainment is due to the personal story of the characters and unlike other authors, this author does not summarize the story of the characters in each book and starting to read a book chosen at random among the 6 would not give full satisfaction in reading.

__ RECOMMENDED FOR WHO? __ For those who love cozy mysteries, a light read that provides good entertainment.

(AS ALWAYS I beg your pardon for English errors, since it's not my mother tongue )

If you are curious to know something more about BOOK#1 and BOOK#2, you can read my review here :

BOOK #1 "Lady Tinbough’s Dilemma" :

BOOK #2 "The Dead Duke" :

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