Saturday, November 04, 2023

Book review : The Dead Duke by Clare Jayne

The Dead Duke
Campbell & MacPherson Historical Mysteries #2
by Clare Jayne

My rating: 3,5 of 5 stars

I liked it and I realized that after the end of the first book in the series, I missed the 2 main characters and their friends more than I thought I would.

Compared to the first book of the series, here the inclusion of historical characters and historical facts is missing, of course it's set in the past ( the end of the 18th century), but it's pure fiction.
If there had been a historical part I would give it 4 stars instead of 3.5.

__THE PLOT__ Edinburgh 1888.
Ewan and Ishbel get involved in a new murder case by someone close to their circle of friends.

Thinking they can offer justice to people who, being from lower social classes, often cannot obtain it, they agree to investigate, scandalizing the bon ton society.
But such scandals in certain circles can totally ruin people's lives, especially if they are women...

___ WHAT I LIKED __ This second book is more focused on the investigations to solve the mystery of a murder and an unjust accusation and until the end you can't actually understand who could have done it, as the author has inserted many false leads.
The mystery was resolved in a logical way, the solution was actually simple, but until the end the two new detectives did not have the necessary elements to understand.

The investigations were interesting to follow also thanks to the fact that our two protagonists involve other people (already introduced to the reader in the first book) in the search for clues, thus forming a good teamwork.

The friendship/love interest relationship between Ishbel and Ewan also intensifies and overcomes several tensions and becomes increasingly solid.

___SOCIAL ISSUES ADDRESSED ___ Despite being a cozy mystery (suitable for YA but also adults), I noticed that the writer always brings a social theme to the fore, in a light and fun way, but she still manages to make young people who approach this reading reflect ( and perhaps we adults should also stop and reflect).

The two themes proposed in this second installment are:

1 ____ homosexuality, which at that time sentenced people to hanging (and sentenced people to prison until "modern" times and is still considered a crime in 64 countries around the world!)
I read a review where a person was annoyed by this, but I repeat: the author is very delicate, the book is cozy in all respects, there is nothing scandalous or shocking.I read a review where a person was annoyed by this, but I repeat: the author is very delicate, the book is cozy in all respects, there is nothing scandalous or shocking.
I really liked the fact that as often happens, the protagonist also had difficulty accepting something that she didn't know and didn't understand, but then she understood that what really matters is how a human being behaves towards others and what it's in his heart.

" It no longer mattered to her that she could not understand Mr Chiverton’s feelings regarding men and women. If he could consistently be so kind and good-natured, in the face of so many people acting in the opposite manner, then she was glad to consider him a friend. "

2 ____ prejudices about women's intelligence and abilities.
At that time, a woman's brain was not considered as capable as a man's and a woman who was interested in matters that were usually a male competence (for example asking questions about thefts and murders), not only aroused amazement, but big scandal. Punishment: being removed from good society.

If we think about it, this is still a current theme, in fact even nowadays, in certain environments considered masculine, women have to work twice as hard to demonstrate their qualities and receive the right appreciation.
And still in some countries women are considered little more than nothing and are still killed if they do not behave in a manner appropriate to a certain religious or social ideology.

___ CAN ONE READ THIS BOOK AS A STANDALONE? __ Since the case from the first book is mentioned several times (and the verdict of the trial is in book 2) and because of the cliffhanger ending of this book, it is best to read all book of the series in order from 1 to 6 (6 books in total).

The advantage of reading this series, now that it is already fully published, is that I have already been able to get the next book (I have already almost finished reading it).
But if I had to wait a whole year to read the continuation of a book that ended on a cliffhanger... I would have been angry and this is another reason why I round to 3 stars and not 4.

__DO I RECOMMEND THIS? __ If you're looking for some light entertainment, this will keep you good company!

(NOTE: I'm Italian and I write in a language I don't know well, please forgive any errors in form or grammar)

If you are curious to know something more about BOOK#1 you can read my review here :

BOOK #1 "Lady Tinbough’s Dilemma" :

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