Saturday, December 09, 2023

Advent Calendar 9th December

Advent Calendar 9th December _ πŸŽ„πŸ€ΆπŸŽ…πŸ‘ΌπŸ’— 9th day Christmas countdown

Hello my lovely friends !

Here we are for another sparkling image in our calendar. Today my illustration offers few pictures from the cheerful musical film HELLO DOLLY (1969) starring the great Barbra Streisand and the talented Walter Matthau , directed by Gene Kelly based on the Broadway musical with the same title.

Brodaway's musical in turn was based on The Merchant of Yonkers, a 1938 play by Thornton Wilder.

The quote I chose tells how crazy and cheerful this film is and, if you think about it, both for better and for worse, this quote says exactly how things are in the world.

There is a little bit of madness in all of us, the secret is to bring out the good madness, the creative and optimistic one that helps us to always see the glass of life half full.

(NOTE : I'm from Italy, so please forgive any errors in my text since English is not my native tongue. Thanks )

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